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My Resume

Please click the button below to view my resume.


My References

Please click the button below to view my reference letters, featuring the Missouri Botanical Gardens and William Woods University.

My Artist Statement

One of my favorite aspects of art is the relationship that I can build between the audience and my work. And that relationship doesn’t have to be merely visual. I want people to touch my art, interact with it, and build a deeper understanding of it through that tactile experience. I want to know what other people think about my art and learn the different ways that it impacted them. Creating art is like having a conversation in a language where the words don’t necessarily all mean the same thing to every person, making interpretations varied and fascinating.

Seeing the responses that I can elicit from an audience with my creations is one of the strongest motivations for me, as it allows me to use my art as an extension of my own voice. Visceral, instinctive responses are especially satisfying for me, as I can bypass some of the more analytical side of human responses and create something physical and immediate. These in the moment responses show me that I can create a piece of art that will have an effect that lasts for years, not minutes.

Graphic design is my preferred medium, as it allows me the amount of precision and cleanliness that I want. Anytime that I see something in my mind, there is always a way that I can make it come to life. It might take a while, but I can keep moving things around until it matches the picture in my head. That isn’t to say that the idea I have can’t change. I’m very open to re-shaping the picture in order to accommodate different constraints and desires. Flexibility in the face of a challenge is a key part of my process, as I come up with new ways to solve the problem before me.

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